Hair Pieces
The base of the hair system is simply the foundation of the prostheses in which the hair is either tied or injected.Today's hair systems primarily use three materials to construct the bases, either polymers, meshes, integrations, or a combination of two to all materials. Hairpieces can be either bonded, taped or sewn on to the clients existing hair. If you're losing your hair and aren't sure what's right for you, seek a professional hair replacement expert who specializes in more than one type of hairpiece. In most cases, the more options you have, the less bias the recommendation you will receive during your consultation.
Mesh Fabric
Mesh fabrics are typically made of polyester or nylon and are usually used to create the fine hairline of a good product. In some cases, they are used throughout the entire system, which provides an incredibly natural, life like appearance but is impractical for long-term use.
Polymers are made of either silicone or polyurethane and are used to create a material that mimics the appearance of skin or scalp. The more durable systems use this material and many use it in areas where the hairpiece is to be attached in order to protect the unit for long time wear.
Integrations are made of either braided or fine threads and are used to create a base that allows clients natural hair to be pulled through for plenty of ventilation. This hair system is ideal for anyone who wants a flat, fine, less detectable result. Integration hair systems can last anywhere from 9 months- 2 years with regular maintenance visits in between. Hair integration candidates are usually weave wearers, women with chemically damaged hair who wants to look good while their own natural hair is recovering, or anyone who is thinning, or wears hair for fashion statements.
For custom integrations: Please contact me at WWW.EXCELLENGTH.COM
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